



①桑都日本遺産センター 八王子博物館(愛称:はちはく)





→JR八王子駅へ 徒歩13分→JR高尾駅→京王バス 霊園前バス停で下車


→京王バス霊園前バス停→川原塾大橋バス停下車 徒歩10分

⑤八王子車人形 稽古場



JR Hachioji Station

→ Walk one minute

(1) Kuwato Japan Heritage Center Hachioji Museum ("Hachihaku" for short)

→ Proceed from Hachioji Station South Exit to the North Exit and walk for 13 minutes.

② Nakamachi Black Wooden Wall

→ Walk for 30 seconds

③ Machinaka Rest Area Hachioji Inn

→ To JR Hachioji Station Walk 13 minutes →JR Takao Station →Take the Keio Bus and get off at Reien-mae

④ Hachioji Castle (one of Japan's 100 Best Castles)

→ Keio Bus Reien-mae→ Kawa Harajuku Ohashi →Walk 10 minutes

⑤ Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo puppetry rehearsal

→ Kawarajukuohashi Bus Stop→JR Takao Station North Exit

Hope you have fun!



桑都日本遺産センター 八王子博物館(愛称・はちはく)

Kuwato Japan Heritage Center Hachioji Museum ("Hachihaku" for short) 八王子の歴史文化に出会える場所「はちはく」。桑都と呼ばれる八王子の魅力を発信し、市内各地の歴史文化へとあなたを誘います。 Hachihaku is an ideal place to get a sense of the history and culture of Hachioji. Providing visitors with information about Kuwato, former name for Hachioji, it piques the interest of the visitor in historic and cultural spots of the area.

東京都八王子市子安町四丁目7番1号 サザンスカイタワー八王子 3階
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中町黒塀 Hanamachi Black Wooden Wall

織物産業で栄えてきた八王子市には、かつて約200名もの芸妓さんがいたという名残の黒塀が残っています。 Hachioji, which once prospered as a center of the nation's textile industry, is home to the Hanamachi Black Wooden Wall, a vestige of an area formerly occupied by some 200 geisha.

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まちなか休憩所八王子宿 Machinaka Rest Area Hachioji-shuku

八王子駅周辺の散策時やイベント時などに、気軽にひと息つけるスポット。 FreeWi-Fiも完備しています。 This is the perfect spot to stop and take a rest, including taking a walk around Hachioji Station, events, etc. Free Wi-Fi available.

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Hachioji Castle (one of Japan's 100 Best Castles) 小田原に本拠をおいた小田原北条氏の三代目、氏康の三男、北条氏照が築いた関東屈指の山城です。 戦国末期の石垣をはじめとする山城の様相を遺し、御主殿跡や古道などが復元され、戦国時代の山城を体感することができます。 This castle, built by Hojo Ujiteru, third son of Hojo Ujiyasu of the Odawara Hojo clan, is known as one of the Kanto region's best mountain castles. Experience the atmosphere of a Warring States Period mountainside castle, with its stone walls dating back to the latter Warring States Period, reconstructed gardens, and old regional road.

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八王子車人形 Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo puppet troupe

国の重要無形民俗文化財の八王子車人形は、江戸時代末期に考案された独特なスタイルの人形芝居。現在は五代目西川古柳家元らが継承し、国際的評価も非常に高い伝統芸能です。 Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo puppetry, which has been named a national important intangible folk culture asset, is a unique style of puppetry developed in the late Edo Period. It is currently perpetrated by the 5th Nishikawa Koyanagi. This traditional art is also recognized internationally for its cultural significance.

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