高尾周辺おすすめスポットRecomended spots aroundTakao

高尾周辺おすすめスポットRecomended spots aroundTakao


Introducing the Takao area where you can feel the history and nature



高尾駒木野庭園 Takao Komagino Garden

八王子市が所有する唯一の日本庭園です。庭園は池泉回遊式、枯山水や露地を備え、錦鯉や盆栽が鑑賞できます。飛び石や竹垣、石灯籠の多様な意匠も見ごたえあり。昭和初期の木造民家では、庭を眺めながら抹茶や珈琲を味わえる喫茶も。入園無料で駐車場もあり。 This is the sole Japanese garden owned by the city of Hachioji. In addition to ponds as well as a dry landscape area and teahouse, there are also koi fish and bonsai on the premises. The garden is decorated with a number of other delightful design elements, including stepping stones, bamboo fences, stone lanterns, and more. In the traditional wooden houses of the early Showa Period, people enjoyed matcha green tea or coffee as they looked out at the gardens. Admission is free. Parking available.

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高尾梅郷 Takao Plum Village

旧甲州街道沿い約4.5キロメートル区間に点在する、関所梅林、天神梅林、湯の花梅林、するさし梅林、木下沢梅林、そして小仏川沿いの遊歩道梅林を中心に、約10,000本の紅白の梅が咲き誇ります。梅は、例年、2月下旬から3月中旬頃まで見頃です。 A 4.5-kilometers stretch of the Koshu Kaido is dotted with plum groves (Sekisho plum grove, Tenjin plum grove, Yunohana plum grove, Surusashi plum grove, Kogesawa plum grove, and the pedestrian pathway plum grove along the Kobotokegawa River, totaling some 10,000 white and red plums. The blossoms peak from around late February to mid-March.

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武蔵陵墓地 Musashi Imperial Mausolea Grounds

大正天皇の崩御により、この地に御陵が造営されることになりました。大正天皇の御陵「多摩陵」、貞明皇后の御陵「多摩東陵」、昭和天皇の御陵「武蔵野陵」、香淳皇后の御陵「武蔵野東陵」と4つの御陵があります。 Upon the demise of the Taisho Emperor, it was decided that his mausoleum would be housed at the Tama Imperial Graveyard. There are four mausoleums in the area: the Tama Mausoleum of the Taisho Emperor, the Tama East Museum of the Empress Teimei, the Musashino Mausoleum of the Showa emperor, and the Musashino East Mausoleum of the Empress Kōjun.

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多摩森林科学園 Tama Forest Science Garden

7haの敷地には、国内外の樹木500種6000本の樹木が植えられ、桜の品種、都市近林、生物多様性などの研究が行われています。 Six thousand trees in 600 varieties from around Japan and overseas cover 7 hectares. Research is conducted here on varieties of cherry blossoms, urban forests, biodiversity, and more.

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