



The north exit of Hachioji sta. has been a busy location for ages, and the redeveloped ando improved south exit offer plenty og shopping and eating spots.



中町黒塀 Naka-cho kurobei

織物産業で栄えてきた八王子市には、かつて約200名もの芸妓さんがいたという名残の黒塀が残っています。 Hachioji, which once prospered as a center of the nation's textile industry, is home to the Hanamachi Black Wooden Wall, a vestige of an area formerly occupied by some 200 geisha.

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西放射線ユーロード Nishi Houshasen You Road

JR八王子駅から甲州街道の八日町交差点までの500メートル近い通りが、西放射線ユーロードです。 The area of road stretching 500 meters from Hachioji Station to the Yokamachi Intersection on the Koshu Kaido is known as the Nishi Hoshasen Yu Road.

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まちなか休憩所八王子宿 Machinaka Lounge Hachioji shuku

八王子駅周辺の散策時やイベント時などに、気軽にひと息つけるスポット。 FreeWi-Fiも完備しています。 This is the perfect spot to stop and take a rest, including taking a walk around Hachioji Station, events, etc. Free Wi-Fi available.

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ドクター肥沼の顕彰碑 Docter Koenuma monument

八王子市中町で生まれたDr.肥沼は、ドイツの古都ヴリーツェン市で市民や戦争難民に蔓延していた発疹チフツの治療にたった1人の医師としてあたりました。 自らの命の危険もかえりみず、寝る間も惜しんで治療活動を行いますが、自ら罹患し37歳の若さで亡くなったDr.肥沼のことはヴリーツェンの人々によって語り継がれ、尊敬され、平成6年にはヴリーツェン市名誉市民になっています。 Dr, Hinuma, born in Hachioji City, worked to help wartime refugees in the city of Wriezen, Germany, near the border with Poland. Never fearing for his own life, he hardly slept in order to save more lives, as a result passing away at the young age of just 37. The people of Wriezen continue tell his story to this day; in fact, he remains so well-respected in this area that he was name Honorary Mayor of the city in 1994. Never fearing for his own life, he hardly slept in order to save more lives, as a result passing away at the young age of just 37. The people of Wriezen continue tell his story to this day; in fact, he remains so well-respected in this area that he was name Honorary Mayor of the city in 1994.

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八王子インフォメーションセンター Hachioji Information Center

観光案内はもちろん、中心市街地のグルメや観光スポット、交通案内などを行います。 In addition to information on tourism, sightseeing spots, and gourmet food in the central districts, this place also offers information on transport.

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子安神社 Koyasu Shrine

今からおよそ1250年前、天皇陛下の皇后さまがご懐妊され、その安産祈願のために子安神社は創建されました。ご祭神は古事記の神話において、安産の女神として有名な木花開耶姫命(コノハナサクヤヒメノミコト)。一千年以上の長き歴史の中で八王子を見守り、女性の神として、安産・子授け・育児のご利益を授けてきました。 Approximately 1,250 years ago, when the wife of the Emperor became pregnant, this temple was built to pray for an easy delivery. According to legend as noted in the Kojiki (Chronicles of Ancient Matters), the female deity Hanasakuya-hime-no-mikoto is responsible for easy births. Dedicated to her, this shrine has been a protective force for the city of Hachioji over a thousand years of history, believed to answer prayers for safe birth and child-rearing.

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The Tochinoki Deck at the south exit of Hachioji sta. ショッピングのひと休みや待ち合わせに最適な解放感抜群のとちの木デッキ。 An open, spacious wooden deck ideal for taking a break between shopping.

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