


中央自動車道 八王子ICから車で5分








→車で30分 中央自動車道 八王子IC お疲れさまでした。

Take a little drive through Hachioji and do a little shopping as you go!

Five minutes by car from Chuo Expressway Hachioji IC
→Three-minute walk

① Roadside Station Hachioji

→15 minutes by car

②Hachioji Wholesale Market

→20 minutes by car

③Villas des Mariages Tama Minamiosawa

→6 minutes by var

④ MITSUI OUTLET PARK Tama Minami-Osawa

→30 minutes by car Chuo Expressway Hachioji Interchange

We hope you had fun!



道の駅滝山 Roadside Station Takiyama

道の駅八王子滝山は東京初の道の駅であり、『東京唯一』の道の駅です。 八王子で栽培された野菜や果物、畜産物などたくさんの東京の恵みが集まります。 Roadside Station Hachioji Takiyama is Tokyo's first and only historic roadside station. The fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. cultivated in Hachioji are an agglomeration of the Tokyo area's food treasures. The shopkeepers around Hachioji Station look forward to your visit.

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八王子綜合卸売協同組合(八王子市場)Hachioji Cooperative (Hachioji Market)

地元の人から愛される卸売市場。水産、精肉、青果・食品と品揃えも豊富。食品以外にも日用品、衣料品など、市場内は質のよいものが卸価格で購入できます。キャンプやバーベキューなどの食材調達にもとっても便利。 This wholesale market is a favorite of the local people. The market offers a variety of seafood, meats, fruits and vegetables, etc. In addition to food, other quality items can be found at reasonable prices including daily goods, clothing and more. It is also highly convenient for camping and barbecue items.

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ヴィラ・デ・マリアージュ多摩南大沢 Villas des Mariages Tama Minamiosawa

南フランスを思わせる結婚式場内にあるレストラン。”八王子ガストロノミー”をテーマに地産地消にこだわり、特に鮮度の大事な野菜はお店から半径20km以内で極力仕入れます。野菜の本質を守った、シンプルで最高に美味しい料理とともに、優雅な時間をお過ごしいただけます。 This restaurant is located inside a wedding venue reminiscent of the South of France. The theme here is "Hachioji gastronomy," and the focus is local production for local consumption. For vegetables in particular, we strive to use vegetables--for which freshness is particularly important--within a radius of 20 km. Take in delicious cuisine that showcases the taste of the vegetables in a simple presentation--and an elegant, luxurious moment.

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三井アウトレットパーク多摩南大沢 Mitsui Outlet Park Tama Minami-osawa

ファッション、アクセサリー、生活雑貨からアウトドアグッズまで、さまざまなジャンルのショップが勢ぞろいするアウトレットパーク。 This outlet park has a variety of shops in different genres selling everything from fashion and accessories to daily goods and outdoor gear.

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